14 editions of Model United Nations in Salamanca… and counting
MUNUSAL was born in 2007, and many people have helped pave the way to where we are now.
The Cultural and Youth Association Model United Nations, University of Salamanca (MUNUSAL) was created as a vehicle for the students of the USAL to interact with the world of diplomacy and the MUN community, in Spain and in other countries.
Since its conception, the association has taken an active role in various prestigious models abroad. Over the years we have attended BerlinMUN (Germany), PoziMUN (Poland), MIMUN (Madrid), KULMUN (Belgium), UCIMUN (Portugal), BIMUN (Germany) among others and we are looking forward to attending many more.
Currently, its projections for the year 2024 are to expand the MUN passion among Spanish students.
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We are wating for you!