MUNUSAL is a Model United Nations Conference that will be held on 8-12 April 2024 in Salamanca, Spain.
To find out more about what a Model United Nations is, what we are doing, and anything else about us, visit our 'About us' page.
If you are as devoted to MUNUSAL as we are, you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

The Role of National Identity in a Global Society: Migration vs Isolation
El papel de la Identidad Nacional en una Sociedad Global: Migración o Aislamiento

Visit 'Practical information' for more information about Salamanca, where Munusal 2024 will be held.

Meet The Team

Click on the pictures to read more

It has come to our attention that letters of invitation and/or attendance to our conference are being issued. We only provide invitation letters under very specific circumstances (see point 5 of our terms and conditions) and, in any case, at no additional cost. Please be aware of any fraud. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to contact us at munusal@gmail.com.
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