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United Nations Security Council

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The Situation in Sudan
The Situation in Burkina Faso

Since the coup over 100,000 people have fled Sudan to neighbouring countries and that figure could quickly rise to 800,000 meaning that Sudan poses a threat to the stability of the whole region. Since the 2019 coup which overthrew the  al-Bashir sharia regime and made efforts to democratize Sudan countless countries tried to influence Sudan’s politics which eventually led to a new coup in 2021.
Sudan finds itself in an impossible situation in a state of war between the government forces backed by international powers such as Egypt and Ukraine and RSF rebels backed by UAE, Libya, and Wagner. The likely Involvement of many foreign countries many of them being present in the UNSC will be a good ground to negotiate a solution. A huge potential for the debate would also be the involvement of other agencies such as African Union. The topic nevertheless offers countless possible solutions and resolutions which would allow the delegates to negotiate the represented countries interests.

Militant Islamist groups in Burkina Faso are threatening communities across the Sahel, with military coups in January and September 2022. Since then, the number of people killed by militant Islamist violence has nearly tripled compared to the 18 months before the January 2022 coup. At the current trajectory, an estimated 8,600 people will be killed in violence. The violence attributed to militant Islamist groups has spread significantly. At least 800,000 people are effectively living under a militant Islamist group siege, and a sustained blockade of Ouagadougou would have devastating effects for the entire country. The violence attributed to militant Islamist groups has spread significantly, encompassing 6,975 km2 of territory compared to 4,775 km2 prior to the first military coup in 2022. It is high time for the SC to mitigate the situation and help the people in need.

Seasoned participants of MUNs already know this committee well, and that’s exactly who it is designed for. The United Nations Security Council will be MUNUSAL 2024´s expert-level committee, having many specific rules of procedure as well as a lot of responsibility in the decisions being made.
It is the most powerful body of the United Nations and rightfully so, as it is the only one with the mandate to impose sanctions and authorize the use of force.
Want to be one of the members of this committee which will be deciding on the most pressing international and regional issues? Then this committee is for you.

general information


The Security Council is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, with its primary responsibility being the maintenance of international peace and security. Within the UN, it is tasked to determine the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression, call upon the parties to settle a dispute by peaceful means, recommend methods of adjustment or terms of settlement, and in some cases, impose sanctions or  authorize the use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security. The Council is composed of five permanent and ten non-permanent Member States, with each of the latter being elected for two-year terms. It is the only UN organ that can adopt binding resolutions. 


Lev Roškar

Lev was born and raised in the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana. He is a 22-year-old student studying political science. He has always been intrigued by politics especially the international side of it, that is why he will be studying international relations next year for my masters. Growing up everybody said he should be a politician with his love for politics and diplomacy and this is exactly what he has found in the MUN world. This will be his second edition of MUNUSAL and between 2024 edition and last year’s edition she has done 4 other international conferences, but none have touched the level of MUNUSAL last year.


Patrik Marčetič

Patrik Marčetič is a 2nd year student of International Relations at the University of Ljubljana. He entered the MUN world´s black hole a few years ago, at his home conference SALIENT, and have participated in conferences as a delegate, chair, and organiser.
In his academic life, he is interested in theories of International Relations, hegemony, and ethics. He loves discussing anything that is remotely international and political and will debate it with anyone. Outside the world of MUN and studying, he is an avid basketball enthusiast and a professional basketball referee. His first international MUN conference was MUNUSAL, so
he treats this conference as his second MUN ‘’home’’. He is beyond excited about chairing the Security Council in the next edition of MUNUSAL, which he promises you will be the best one yet. 

pplications open apply now!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

Picture: UNSC 2019

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